The warehouse complex will be located within the Lipetsk city. Total area of the premises will be 9600 sq.m. The warehouse complex will also include a office block with a total area of 450 sq.m. Implementation is envisaged in the IV quarter of 2015
Technical characteristics of the complex:
- Height from the bottom of the bearing structure – 13,2 m;
- Max. length – 180,0 m;
- Max. width – 50,3 m
- Floor load – 6t/м2
- Column net – 12*24
Besides the main building a new transport gallery will be built on the facilities premises, which will adjoin the warehouse with the factory building, what will speed-up and simplify the process of transferring goods between sites. Besides that on the territory of the factory a new transport scheme will be set with new entrances and exits from the factories premises.
One of the main characteristics of this project is that it is performed on an operating facility without halting the manufacturing processes, what requires a special approach in organizing the construction works. Nevertheless all the works will be complete within the time-frames and along with the new warehouse complex the customer will receive a more convenient transport scheme.
The customer of the future premises is “Edelweiss L”, which is a part of IDS Borjomi Russia Group.
The “Edelweiss L” mineral water facility today is considered to be one of the most modern in Russia. The production is supplied with high-performance equipment from Europe. A quality control system operates efficiently on the premises and corresponds with international standards that give the ability to provide mineral water with its best natural qualities.